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A big Christmas thank you from nature!

Thank you to everyone who voted in the Parish Council Survey for our grass verges to be cut less often. A massive 68% of those who responded, voted to cut the grass fewer times each year.


The Parish Council has heard your voice and from next year we will have a “no mow May” approach across Enstone. This will provide a feast for pollinators, improve our biodiversity and give plants and wildlife a chance to reverse their decline.


Of course maintaining visibility at road junctions and road safety remains really important. So if any corners within the national speed limit signs in Enstone become too overgrown, then you can contact the Parish Council and report it.


If you want to find out how to get the best out of your own garden you can look at the friendly, helpful advice from Plantlife at this link: No Mow May is Over, What’s Next?

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