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Enstone Litter Pick 2024 beats all expectations.

A big thank you to everyone who joined the very successful annual litter pick organised by the Parish Council with some extra volunteers from the Enstone Eco group. In total there were 25 people on Saturday and 15 on Sunday.


It was very sociable, great fun and we had lots of encouragement from passing car drivers, who really appreciated what a difference we have made and how much cleaner the verges are.


Together we pulled enough litter out of the verges around the village to make two huge piles of rubbish. One near the old landfill site at the Great Tew crossroads and the other where the Lidstone Road joins the Chipping Norton Road.


There was so much that some passers bye wondered whether we had a problem with fly tipping, but in fact it’s all litter from old car tyres to road signs and hundreds of drinks cans and bottles.

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