The best way to monitor the health of our local River Glyme
Saturday the 13th of April from 10am to 4pm

The Evenlode Catchment Partnership (ECP) are providing free training workshop for anyone interested in learning about finding riverflies and their larvae. The aim is to encourage volunteers to regularly monitor riverfly larvae in our local rivers. This is the best way to assess the health of this precious environment. It's also really good fun!
The Enstone Village Hall and the Heytrop Warners Hotel have allowed us to use their facilities for the day. We shall use Heytrop stream to learn how to sample the riverfly after our indoor session in the morning. So book a place by contacting Don’t forget your wellies on the day!
Tony is the tutor for the day and will be sending out information ahead of the workshop. He has a wealth of experience as a river restoration expert so this is sure to be a fascinating day.
If you know of anyone else who is interested, feel free to let them know as there are still some places available.
