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The Queen’s Green Canopy

Enstone Parish was very keen to participate in the Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations and Enstone Eco suggested that we plant trees to honour the late Queen. It was later discovered that a living memorial to her reign was to be the planting of trees and the location of the trees was to be known nationally as the Queen’s Green Canopy.

75 Silver Birch tree wands (baby trees) were ordered and potted up until the autumn, when it was best to plant them after the long, dry summer.

Enstone now proudly boasts a silver birch tree outside the Parish Hall and the Sports and Social club. Enstone Primary School have also been given one and each of these trees will have a plaque to commemorate the Platinum Jubilee. 10 households in Enstone will also nurture one of these trees for posterity and the remainder will form a shady canopy in the recreation field behind the school. The site of this little copse will feature on the Queen’s Green Canopy (GGC) website map, which has been created to track all Jubilee plantings.

Enstone Eco are delighted that the Parish Council felt it fitting to purchase these trees for our village and are grateful to them.

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